Copywriters vs AI: What’s the Difference

In recent years, there has been a growing trend of using AI-powered text generators for content creation. While these tools can certainly save time and effort, they cannot replace the artistry and creativity of a human copywriter. Copywriters bring a unique combination of creativity, empathy, and analytical skills to the table, making them better suited for crafting compelling narratives and selling experiences. In this article, we’ll explore why copywriters are better than AI and how they can help brands connect with their audience on a deeper level.


Copywriters are skilled at crafting compelling narratives that resonate with readers and engage their emotions. While AI text generators can produce grammatically correct and coherent sentences, they lack the ability to understand human emotions, cultural nuances, and the intricacies of storytelling.

Copywriters, on the other hand, have a deep understanding of their target audience and can tailor their language and tone to connect with them on a personal level. They can weave in metaphors, humour, and other literary devices to make their writing more relatable and memorable.

Selling an Experience

Copywriters are adept at selling experiences because they have the ability to understand and empathize with the desires, motivations, and emotions of their target audience. They know how to create a compelling narrative that connects with readers on an emotional level and entices them to take action.

Copywriters spend a considerable amount of time researching their target audience to understand their preferences, needs, and desires. This helps them create a narrative that resonates with their audience and makes them feel understood. Copywriters can tailor the message to different segments of the audience, taking into account factors such as age, gender, and location. This ensures that the experience being sold is relevant and appealing to the intended audience.

Tone of Voice

Copywriters are skilled at maintaining a consistent tone of voice because they understand the nuances of language and the importance of crafting a message that is authentic and resonates with the brand’s personality. They can tailor their writing style to match the tone and voice of the brand, creating a cohesive and consistent message across all channels. Here are a few ways in which copywriters maintain tone of voice better than AI text generators:

  • Understanding the brand personality: Copywriters spend time getting to know the brand’s personality, values, and mission. This helps them create a tone of voice that is in line with the brand’s image and messaging.
  • Using the right language: Copywriters use language that is appropriate for the brand’s audience and industry. They also avoid using language that may be offensive or insensitive.
  • Creating a style guide: Copywriters can create a style guide that outlines the tone of voice, language, and messaging guidelines for the brand. This helps ensure consistency across all channels and ensures that all content is on-brand.

While AI text generators may be able to produce grammatically correct and coherent sentences, they lack the creativity and empathy needed to create a message that is authentic and resonates with the brand’s personality.

Choosing Copywriters

While AI text generators may have some advantages in terms of speed and efficiency, they cannot match the skills and expertise of a human copywriter. Copywriters bring a unique set of talents to the table, including creativity, empathy, and a deep understanding of the target audience. They are able to craft compelling narratives that resonate with readers, sell experiences, and maintain a consistent tone of voice across all channels. In the end, it’s the human touch that makes all the difference in creating content that truly engages and inspires. An SEO consultant in Brisbane can help businesses optimize their content for search engines and improve their online visibility. So, while AI may have its place in content creation, it’s clear that copywriters are still the gold standard for effective communication.